Last week was an especially adventurous week. We went to Camp E.D.G.E. (experiencing & discovering God everywhere) or better known as VBS. Riley was in the Pre-k class and this year I was a shepard for incoming 2nd graders. Monday was perhaps the worst day. I started by dropping both kids off in the nursery. They were supposed to come get Riley as his class started. Then I proceeded to the fellowship hall for morning Assembly. We weren't 15 minutes into the assembly when they came to get me, telling me that Alex was SCREAMING! I quickly hurried down to the nursery to find Riley still in there, nobody had taken him to his class, and Alex indeed screaming her head off. I had a sinking feeling that this was coming because lately she refuses to stay in the nursery on Sunday mornings during Sunday School. So we went to backup plan. Since my parents were out of town and Randy at work, I had to take Alex with me throughout the day. Let me also share with you, that I had an especially trying child in my group this year, quite a smart allic. She wanted to know just why I had a baby with me when the baby was supposed to be in the nursery. Thankfully I had my baby bjorn in the car. The rest of Monday was spent with Alex attached to me. Part of the time our children's director and our shepard leader took her to give me a break, and of course she went right to them.

Tuesday I called our usual babysitter to see if she could take Alex the rest of the week from 8-1. Tracey graciously agreed. I think she really like the idea of just getting to see the kids again. They are in such good care while I work. She loves them ALMOST as much as I do.

The rest of the week went pretty well... until Thursday. I tried to cram too much fun into one day. After VBS we went over to my teammate Dorothy's house for some swimming. We all had lots of fun, but Riley did not fall asleep on the way home like I expected. So VBS, swimming, and no nap, and then we had to be back at church at 6:30 for the performance. Riley was tired and grumpy from the beginning. He did not want to go to his group. I should have known then... But I just kept thinking he would snap out of it. The preschoolers performed first. Riley wanted no part of this and just sat down on the steps. Several people, including Mommy, told him to stand. Even Mrs. Debbie, our children's director tried to make him do the motions with her while sitting on the steps. None of it helped. He refused to do anything.

These pictures were taken Thursday night. The expression on his face, says it all.

Watching all the big VBS kids perform.
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