I think I am secretly trying to make up for working throughout the school year by cramming as much fun as possible into the summer for Riley & Alex. Yesterday morning after Alex's trip to the dermatologist, my parents and I took the kids to Chuck E Cheese. Let me take a side note, here. The dermatologist basically just told me to keep doing what I am doing and told me a different way to apply the steroid cream, but no magic pill to make the eczema go away. :(
So here is my kiddos having an absolute blast at Chuck E Cheese. Riley's favorite games still involve driving things and shooting things. He especially loved flying the jet fighter.

Future baseball player????

I did convince him to ride in the truck with his little sister. She thought it was lots of fun. Then he wanted her to drive. Here he is showing her how to do it. It was so cute. Another little funny story. Now I know all moms say that their kids said a certain word long before they really say anything, but I am pretty sure that Alex said Riley yesterday. We were in the kitchen and I said "Ry, don't step on your sister." She looked up at him and said "Ry, Ry" I am willing to bet her official first word is going to be Riley. She just loves him so much!

Shooting basketballs with a little help!

Alex really enjoyed riding Barney. This was her first ever "ride!"

And of course shooting the deer. Like Father, Like Son!
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