Sunday, December 27, 2009

Who needs presents, we got snow!

Shortly after opening all our presents, we decided we could play with toys anytime, but you can't always play in the snow.Cheyenne
A rare picture of Mickey, he usually hides when he sees the camera.

This was Riley at first. He was so afraid that he would get snow on his pajamas.

But then Daddy went outside. Snow had completely filled our drainage ditches in front of the house. So Randy picked Riley up and dumped him in the snow. It would have been lots more funny if the snow had not already been packed down. Either way, Riley got over being worried about getting snow on his pajamas.

Snowball fight!
Daddy started it!
Alex all bundled up!

Just before we could get bored, Randy came up with a little Aggie engineering! He attached the hard plastic table to a cable and the cable to Papaw Richard's Ranger that they use for hunting. And a sled was born!

We really were amazed that in the neighborhood no one was out enjoying the perfect snow.
Then peer pressure got mommy to put down the camera and join in the fun. It was LOTS of fun, but a little cold!
Randy was a big wimp and wouldn't trust me driving down the street. (Even though he nearly slung us into a stop sign & a brick mailbox!!) But he did let me pull them around the backyard one time!
It was really too bad that all the snow fell on Christmas eve. We could have stayed out and enjoyed it all much longer, but we knew we had company coming and had to clean up the house before everyone arrived.

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