Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas afternoon was spent with my mom & dad, cousin Jamie & her son Caleb, and my Aunt Jeanne. My parents came over about noon. Right after we returned from our "sledding" I called them and told them to be sure and wait about 45 minutes before heading our way. I didn't know what the rest of the roads looked like, but I knew our roads were still icey. Sure enough mom & dad said the roads were fine, until they reached our subdivision and then the roads were not real great, but driveable. Randy got a tool case and I got photoshop elements. I am so excited, but now I have to spend some quality time figuring out what all it will do so that I can have perfect pictures too.
Mom told me not to buy her anything, but I couldn't resist when I saw this movie picture. It was too perfect for her movie room.

Gampa helps Alex open her little people house.

Aunt Jeanne tries to get Alex & Caleb to pay attention and open the presents. It didn't work they were both tired of opening. So the adults had to finish opening everything.

Family picture 2009

A rare photo of just the two of us.

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