Yesterday my mom & dad took the kids to North Park mall to see the trains. They had a really good time, although Riley's excitement has waned alittle after seeing it 3 years in a row. I will never forget that first year that we went and Riley was hoarse by the time we left from yelling "Choo! Choo!" throughout the whole exhibit. It was truly one of the cutest things I have ever seen. That is the trouble with having two kids. Just when one is starting to outgrow something, the other one is just getting old enough to enjoy it.

They did a better job of having trains down lower this year, so Alex was able to experience all of it without having to be carried.

No vanity here, just an adorable baby!

Have to have a picture of the construction site. Is that Randy running that dozer?

My little engineer!

Mom with both kids

Gampa's turn

***Side note, they tried to go see Santa while they were there (about 2 o'clock) and they told them to draw a number and return between 5-7pm! Are you kidding???? It was a Wednesday afternoon and the kids are not even out of school yet!!!!!!!
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