The real Christmas Eve gift/surprise came that afternoon when it started snowing! That makes twice in December in TEXAS! Who ever heard of a white Christmas in Texas?

That evening we decided to brave the elements and head to church for the Christmas Eve service. Alex looked absolutely precious! The service went wonderful although we did have to drop Alex off in the nursery because she did not want to sit still throughout the service.

We decided to make Christmas day go a little smoother that the kids would open a few presents at Nana & Gampa's before we headed to church. All of those presents will stay at Nana & Gampa's house. Thank goodness because they got a keyboard!
My prissy little girl got lots of bracelets.

Our way home did not go as smoothly. The ice was starting to build on the bridges. Our trip was slow, but moving until we hit the hit the bridge from 35 to 287. We came to a stand still. All the trucks could not make it up the hill. Finally a sand truck showed up. We waited another 20 minutes for the trucks to start moving. Most of the trucks started moving, except for the 2 in the lanes in front of us. 45 minutes later we made it up the hill. Needless to say we had to write a letter to Santa apologizing for no cookies and go straight to bed.
One last peek before I headed off to bed. I have to admit that this is one of my favorite times of the night, watching my sweet sleeping children. They are so precious. Merry Christmas little ones!

1 comment:
I absolutely love the pictures of the kids sleeping!!! SO sweet. You're right- Alex looked adorable. That coat is so cute!
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