Alexandra turned 6 months old last Thursday! I can't believe that it was just six months ago that this little bundle of joy was stressing everyone at school out because I was in labor AT SCHOOL! Now she is my little stress reliever, just look at that will melt your heart!

On Tuesday, Alex had her 6 month checkup. She now weighs a "huge" 14 lbs 6 oz. Ok so she is still really thin, even with fat rolls. She is 26 inches long. This measurement is 50-75% of other kids her age. Her head though is still in 10-25% range. What can I say she is built like her mommy, tall and thin with a little head!

She loves to giggle while being tickled and at absolutely anything that her brother does. She babbles to herself quite frequently. She is the happiest little baby, especially in the mornings. - That she does not get from her mommy! She is rolling all over the place and insists on sleeping on her tummy. She has started pushing up with both arms and can sometimes pull her knees up under her, but no crawling yet. She doesn't have any teeth, but loves to chew on things- especially your finger! It will be a good thing for her when she does get teeth, because she is really starting to want your food. She almost tackled Riley the other day while trying to get his cereal. About a month ago, we started baby food. So most days she eats rice cereal with a fruit for lunch and then rice cereal with a vegetable for dinner. Like her brother, Alex is a good eater. Although we are still working on not putting her fingers in her mouth afte every bite. Messy, messy, messy!
A look back at 6 weeks old versus how much she has grown to 6 months old!

These overalls were Riley's when he was six months old, which is why they say Class of '27. I believe she will actually be class of '31 at A&M.
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