Sunday, March 29, 2009
More trains!
Randy & Riley checking out the model trains.
Then Riley & Jacob went to play with some trains on their own. You would never know that both boys have a train table of their own. I think they would have stayed there for hours if we had let them.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Easter Bunny!
Eating her feet!
I only wish that I could say that I was this flexible! Anyway lately Alex has discovered her feet and apparantly they taste pretty good. She loves to roll around on the floor and get her foot in her mouth.
First let me give you a little insight to what feeding Alex is like. She takes a bite and then sticks her fingers in her mouth. It makes for a messy task because then she wipes her dirty fingers all over her pants. When she finishes sucking her fingers, then she opens her mouth for more. Well yesterday I called my mom during the day to see how the kids were doing on their first day back from spring break. She told me, "If you thought feeding Alex was hard when she stuck her fingers in her mouth, it is even harder when she sticks her foot in her mouth." Needless to say by the time the meal was over, she was covered in food from her head to her toes!
Monday, March 23, 2009
First major owwie!
On our last night in Pensacola, we went to the beach to eat dinner at Flounder's. This is a yummy beach side restaurant. Riley had wanted to go to the beach all day, but it was too windy and chilly so we decided that eating dinner at the beach would have to do. They have a great playground right next to the tables, so we decided this would help Riley get some energy out. As the children were playing, Kalee commented on how you can tell the kids from Florida and the ones from out of state. The ones from Florida were playing on the playground. The ones from out of state were playing in the sand. This was where incident #1 took place. Some "mean" boy decided to get in a sand fight with my son. Randy quickly broke up the fight and both boys spent some time at the table chilling out. Around this time dinner was served. I had a yummy bourbon glazed mahi-mahi. After dinner Riley went back to playing. While he was playing, I got up to go change Alex. As I was coming back to the table, Karyn and Riley greeted me in the hallway with this!
Apparantly while playing, Riley ran into the playground bridge. While this picture doesn't look too bad, anyone that has had children can tell you how bad head wounds bleed. Thank goodness I was not around to see all the blood. They had him mostly cleaned up by the time I saw him. Aunt Kalee got to him first and said he was just crying until the blood starting hitting his jeans, then he went crazy and started screaming. I think I would have freaked if I had seen all the blood. But they got him mostly cleaned up at the table, before they headed to the bathroom.
Time in the boat!
We couldn't get the jet skis up and running, so we took some time out on the boat. It was kind of chilly, but Riley still really enjoyed it.
Don't get any ideas, Randy, we are NOT buying a boat!
Riley always rode front and center to see all the action and occasionally get splashed!
No just the really playful dolphins! They were all over the bay. Swimming and jumping. It was really neat to watch them so up close!

We also saw sting rays, but I didn't have the camera with me at that time. Which also means that I did not get pictures of Alex's first boat ride! Although, she was not very impressed! She was sleepy and the life jacket was keeping her from getting her fingers in her mouth. Finally Richard came up with the idea to undo her top strap, so that she could get her arm up to her mouth. Then she went soundly to sleep!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Spring break in Pensacola
After one long week of rain and nearly freezing temperatures in Fort Worth, we left town last Saturday for a Spring Break of warm weather & sun. Instead we got more rain! It rained until Tuesday! But finally the rain broke and we were able to head to the beach. The water was still too cold to enjoy, but Riley & Daddy built some sand castles. 
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A long drive
As I drove along trying desperately to see the road during the pouring down rain yesterday, I had to stop and think just how lucky I am. Yesterday we made the 11 hour drive to Pensacola, FL to visit Randy's dad & stepmom. I truly have the best travelers ever. Both children hardly fussed during the entire trip. Even more amazing, we only stopped one time for lunch & bathroom breaks. I couldn't believe that Riley's 3 year old bladder only went potty one time during an 11 hour car trip. My children usually spend most of the time in the car sleeping or just watching the road. Riley & Randy watched 2 movies, but hardly any whining. Although I do have to admit, that they "Are we there yet?" started yesterday! About the last 2 hours, Riley kept asking are we there yet. I tried everything. I told him that we wouldn't be there until CARS was over. I told him we wouldn't be there until the clock changed to a 7. But he still kept asking. Considering that the night before he got up at 10:30 and asked if we could just leave then to go see Grandma, I think he did pretty good on the trip.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Guitar Hero!

Randy just recently got guitar hero. Against my preferred noise level, Randy & Riley were rocking out the other night! I do have to say that Riley was having a blast, jumping around and jamming on the guitar.
A really funny story goes along with this. During Christmastime while out shopping, we had gone in to Best Buy to get a gift card. Right by the door they had the new game "Rockstar" posted. Riley saw it and immediately wanted to play. I told him we didn't have time and needed to get this done real quickly. He went on to tell me that he really wanted to become a rockstar. I'm not real sure if he had heard somebody say the name of the game when we walked in or what. That was one of those times, that you have to stop and think in your head, I know he didn't just read that by himself...Anyway he really didn't want to let it drop. As we are checking out, he looks up at the cashier and tells her, "I want to be a rock star!" She laughs and tell him, "Me too!" So now I guess he is getting to be a rockstar.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Riley & Alex at the Park
Last Friday, my babysitter's son got sick. At the last minute, I called Mom & Dad to see if they could watch the kids for me. What started out as a last minute favor, turned into some adorable pictures and saved me from spending money at the professional photographer for Alex's 6 month pics.
6 months old
Alexandra turned 6 months old last Thursday! I can't believe that it was just six months ago that this little bundle of joy was stressing everyone at school out because I was in labor AT SCHOOL! Now she is my little stress reliever, just look at that smile...it will melt your heart!
On Tuesday, Alex had her 6 month checkup. She now weighs a "huge" 14 lbs 6 oz. Ok so she is still really thin, even with fat rolls. She is 26 inches long. This measurement is 50-75% of other kids her age. Her head though is still in 10-25% range. What can I say she is built like her mommy, tall and thin with a little head!
She loves to giggle while being tickled and at absolutely anything that her brother does. She babbles to herself quite frequently. She is the happiest little baby, especially in the mornings. - That she does not get from her mommy! She is rolling all over the place and insists on sleeping on her tummy. She has started pushing up with both arms and can sometimes pull her knees up under her, but no crawling yet. She doesn't have any teeth, but loves to chew on things- especially your finger! It will be a good thing for her when she does get teeth, because she is really starting to want your food. She almost tackled Riley the other day while trying to get his cereal. About a month ago, we started baby food. So most days she eats rice cereal with a fruit for lunch and then rice cereal with a vegetable for dinner. Like her brother, Alex is a good eater. Although we are still working on not putting her fingers in her mouth afte every bite. Messy, messy, messy!
A look back at 6 weeks old versus how much she has grown to 6 months old!

A look back at 6 weeks old versus how much she has grown to 6 months old!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
First Soccer Game!
Riley had his first soccer game on Saturday. Here is the picture of them at the start of the game. I'm pretty sure that his team would have lost if they had actually kept score, but thank goodness they didn't.
The coach told us at the last soccer practice to expect them to fall 200 times this season. I wasn't expecting that to all happen in the first game. The game was adorable. For starters, all the kids kick in whatever direction the ball starts out going. Then when they get closer to the goal, it becomes a giant 3 & 4 year olds dog pile. Riley quickly learned to run (actually if you are Riley, then you prance!) all the way to the goal and then fall.
I don't think that you can tell from this picture, but he truly had a smile on his face the WHOLE game. It was so cute at the beginning, he tried to come to me and tell me that someone had pushed him. Randy and I quickly told him to get over it and go play. After that, he just played hard. He did a great job of always being in on the action. He is not the most coordinated kid on the team and he still runs like a girl when he prances down the field, but I am so proud of him! Besides that the main thing is that he was having a blast!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Busy week
This has been the busiest week and it is only Wednesday. Yesterday was my 4th graders' TAKS writing test. I am so relieved to have that over with! We spend about 1- 1.5 hours a day on writing leading up to this test, so when the test is over I always feel like I have time to teach all the other subjects. So last night in celebration of the test being over, my team and I got together for a little hot tubbing, a little relaxing, and a little American Idol. We had a great time, but I have to give a big thank you to Randy for keeping the kids all night by himself.
Randy has been so wonderful lately. My schedule has gotten really crazy and he has just picked up the slack by cooking dinner, bathing Riley, running errands, or just doing whatever it is that I don't have time to take care of.
Let's back up to the beginning of the madness...
Saturday morning we got up and did some housecleaning. Then Saturday night Randy & I went to a 70's themed birthday party for a friend. Mom & Dad took the kids, so we decided to do a dinner out without the kids. We went to Jin-Beh in Lewisville. It is a little Japenese Hibachi restaurant. I, of course, ordered Terriyaki Steak! YUMMY! After dinner we went to the party in Lewisville.
Sunday morning we woke up and went to church. Riley's choir sang "I am a Promise" I absolutely love that song. We knew that they had not practiced very much so I printed off the words and Mom & I really worked with him. I don't think it did any good though, because I'm not sure he sang a single word of it. I recorded the whole thing and if I ever figure out how to download video, then I will add it to the post. Sunday night Mom & Dad kept the kids again for me, as is our ritual for Sunday night's- so that I get some sleep and they don't have to wake up as early on Monday mornings.
Monday afternoon, I had my bootcamp. I am loving having our group workouts. I know that sounds strange, but I feel like I have so much more energy. Plus it is fun to have 17 of us working out and whining together. The only problem is that by the time I work out until 5 and then drive to Hurst to pick up the kids, we get home so late. Luckily Randy had cooked dinner.
Tuesday was TAKS!
Tonight we have Randy's softball game. I don't get to watch much of the games because I am usually trying to watch Riley while he is off playing with Claire. But the kids have a great time together.
Alexandra turns 6 months old tomorrow! I can't believe that it has been so long since my sweet angel was born. Then this weekend is Riley's 1st soccer game! My babies are growing up!
Randy has been so wonderful lately. My schedule has gotten really crazy and he has just picked up the slack by cooking dinner, bathing Riley, running errands, or just doing whatever it is that I don't have time to take care of.
Let's back up to the beginning of the madness...
Saturday morning we got up and did some housecleaning. Then Saturday night Randy & I went to a 70's themed birthday party for a friend. Mom & Dad took the kids, so we decided to do a dinner out without the kids. We went to Jin-Beh in Lewisville. It is a little Japenese Hibachi restaurant. I, of course, ordered Terriyaki Steak! YUMMY! After dinner we went to the party in Lewisville.
Sunday morning we woke up and went to church. Riley's choir sang "I am a Promise" I absolutely love that song. We knew that they had not practiced very much so I printed off the words and Mom & I really worked with him. I don't think it did any good though, because I'm not sure he sang a single word of it. I recorded the whole thing and if I ever figure out how to download video, then I will add it to the post. Sunday night Mom & Dad kept the kids again for me, as is our ritual for Sunday night's- so that I get some sleep and they don't have to wake up as early on Monday mornings.
Monday afternoon, I had my bootcamp. I am loving having our group workouts. I know that sounds strange, but I feel like I have so much more energy. Plus it is fun to have 17 of us working out and whining together. The only problem is that by the time I work out until 5 and then drive to Hurst to pick up the kids, we get home so late. Luckily Randy had cooked dinner.
Tuesday was TAKS!
Tonight we have Randy's softball game. I don't get to watch much of the games because I am usually trying to watch Riley while he is off playing with Claire. But the kids have a great time together.
Alexandra turns 6 months old tomorrow! I can't believe that it has been so long since my sweet angel was born. Then this weekend is Riley's 1st soccer game! My babies are growing up!
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