With all this redecorating, Alex decided to help out. In the midst of everything, she got one of Riley's markers and colored on my walls and french doors. Luckily it came off immediately on the glass, and the magic eraser got most of it off the walls. I felt very accomplished today until I look around my house and see the absolute destruction of toys that my kids left behind while I was distracted. How in the world am I having Riley's family birthday party here in 2 days????
Anyway tonight I actually sat down and watched the finale of Glee. I didn't do dishes, laundry, or clean the baths. I just sat on the couch with my husband and watched a really great show. At first, Alex was so cute dancing around the living room to the songs. She is such a girly girl! But of course the kids got bored and disappeared into Riley's room. I am not a first time mom and I know better! When the kids get quiet, you better go figure out what they are up to. Instead of telling you what I found, I will just show you!

I immediately paused the show and told them to get in the bath. I knew they were washable markers, so I just figured we would work on the faces in the tub. Riley decided he knew better. So he started washing both of their faces in the sink using my antibacterial soap. Guess what? Pretty soon, I had two kids crying because they had soap in their eyes. "I told you to take a bath!!!"

1 comment:
haha! oh man- you have your hands full with those cuties!! :)
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