Then we decided that we should sign him up for league soccer at the YMCA. He was so excited the whole way to sign up. Unfortuately he was terribly disappointed that he did not get to play that day. The coaches' meeting is Feb. 19 and then we will get a call sometime that next week to let us know about practices. Then the first game is March 7. He can't wait!
While Randy was working late tonight, I decided to show Riley what real soccer looked like. Matthew (Tracey, our babysitter's son,) had an indoor soccer game. I figured what a great way to introduce him to the game without having to freeze ourselves outside. He was so excited to go. On the way there, he asked me who was going to win. I told him that I didn't know until after the game was played. Then he told me that Matthew was going to win because he is the best! Well he was right, Matthew's team did win!! OK it was a total blowout! But Riley got so excited when Matthew scored a goal. He was jumping up and down. I have to admit that I can't wait to watch my son play sports. Now I don't have super expectations for this first season. I know that there will be a lot of just running around and getting confused, but I can't wait to see my son in a uniform! I'm so glad I had a boy first!!

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