Back to Alex...According to my scales, she weighs 13.6 pounds and has fat rolls all over her adorable little legs. She can roll to her stomach, but not back over yet. She is eating CONSTANTLY right now. My milk can not keep up with her...I feel full formula coming on. She is still waking up at night and keeping me sleep deprived. I would let her cry it out, but honestly she acts like she is starving as she sucks down a full bottle in the middle of the night.
We have started cereal, although not very successfully. She is doing lots of tongue thrusting with the food, so very little is actually going into her stomach. Most of it is all over her. She doesn't seem to much care for the taste either. Any suggestions????
This week she moved into 3-6 months clothes! Yea, all new clothes! But it is still sad to pack away some of my favorite from her 0-3 months stage. My baby is getting so big!
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