Monday, March 15, 2010

First soccer game of the season

Looks like this season is going to be much like last season. Riley had his first soccer game of the season. He scored 8 goals and had a beautiful assist. I think I am most proud of the assist because that shows that he is maturing and growing as a player. His assist went to the second tallest player on the team, the girl Riley. I do kind of wish that he was in an older age group so that he could have more competition, but in the meantime we will just enjoy seeing how many goals he can score in one game.

Alex enjoying her tire swing at Nana & Gandpa's while they still have trees to hang it on.

I know they say she is small for her age, but lately she has outgrown all her 12 month clothes. I am so proud to see her wearing 18 month clothes and looking so tall.

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