This past week, I knew how busy my schedule was getting, so I asked my mom & dad to take the kids to have their picture taken with the Easter bunny. I didn't figure it would be a great picture, but I had not planned on Alex absolutely refusing to sit by the Easter bunny on her own. Here is our end result...:) Notice Riley is not scared at all....
Then on Saturday we drove out to Frisco to have a crawfish boil at Greg & Christine's for Greg's birthday celebration. While there we learned that Riley is not so fond of the crawfish. He held him, but it took lots of coaxing!

Alex, on the other hand, was not scared at all!! She was so interested in it.
In fact, she even thought it was funny to try to make the crawfish attack Daddy! Then she took off chasing Riley all the way around the pool with her crawfish. I'm pretty sure we could have been turned in for animal cruelty, if it had not been thrown into the boiling pot seconds later. That poor creature was squeezed and dropped several times.
Overall it was a great Saturday and both kids fell sound asleep in the car on the long drive home!

Alex, on the other hand, was not scared at all!! She was so interested in it.

Love Alex's outfit and bow!!
SUCH a white boy! Just like his daddy...
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