If I didn't post at least one blog devoted to VBS, then you would have no idea what my life has revolved around for the last 2 months. Literally every single day for the last month has involved answering questions about vbs, hosting trainings, making schedules, planning, meeting, meeting, more meeting, decorating, DECORATING, and answering a million text messages. Last year Lyndsey and I were the assistant directors to VBS, so as the succession follows that made us directors this year. Assist. director didn't fully prepare me for the extent of being director. Every waking minute and LOTS of sleepless nights with my mind racing of all the things that still needed to be done. But in the end it all paid off. We had an amazing VBS where we hosted almost 300 kids and 150 volunteers.

This is the awesome directors' team. Lauren- asst. dir, Deena- decorating coordinator, Lori- asst. dir, Lyndsey- director, Mom & Dad doing some hard work decorating, and me. When we reached the decorating week it is supposed to consist of decorating from 9-12 every morning and then returning to decorate from 6-9 every night. Or at least those were the hours of childcare. Somehow I never left before 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Got home in time to shove dinner down and drive 40 minutes back to church. What an exhausting week. We took Saturday off and then last minute decorating after church all day Sunday. I left church at 9pm that night. That week I pulled 2 -twelve hour workdays. A huge thank you to my parents for taking Riley to camp every morning, so that he didn't have to hang out in the nursery, and for taking my kids lots of afternoons. I was really grateful to the rain that let my husband get home early 2 nights to keep them as well as take them to a birthday party on Sunday. All those hours and we were ready for Monday morning.
The highlight of our decorating, did you notice our Diver minister, Mike McKee.
This was one of my main decorating idea contributions this year. "Our volunteers are Jewels".
We discovered some more hidden artistic talent in the church and covered windows in ocean artwork.
This is really just a small sampling of the MANY amazingly decorated places in the church. We have so many talented people in this church.
Monday morning came and went relatively smooth. We still stayed later than planned every day. But it was because we kept coming up with ways to make things a little better than the day before, not putting out fires. I feel truly blessed to have worked with the most fantastic crew of volunteers that helped our children learn to depend on God, claim Jesus, and many of other scripture sayings of the week.
Thursday night was our program. Riley's 2nd grade group sang Dive Deep.
After all our hard work, we were happy to show off for Papaw & Mama Karyn. Mama Karyn doesn't often get to see programs so we take full advantage when she is in town. :)
Our week ended and all the decorations were down by 3pm on Friday. So sad to end such a fantastic week, but we were also glad to begin our official summer and get some sleep!
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