How cute are these?
We arrived at the first practice on Monday evening. We were a few minutes late because I forgot how long it takes to cram shin guards & big socks in little cleats. She was timid at first but went right on out there and began participating in practice.
I was so proud & excited to see my little girl growing up and learning. But after about 30 minutes it turned ugly. She started wanting lots of water breaks and to play on the playground. Then she flat refused to practice anymore. This growing pit started forming in my stomach. I tried everything. Nothing would get her back on that field. I even said we were headed back to the YMCA to get our money back. She adamantly said she did not want to quit, but she didn't want to play either. Finally after everyone left we got her to do some of the drills with Gampa. Then we let her play on the playground.
On Saturday as the coaches handed out the uniforms they asked me whether, we should have Alex play the first 2 quarters instead of the 1st & 3rd to keep her focus. That sounded like a good plan...
But then she refused to warm up. She refused to say the YMCA pledge. Finally in the 4th quarter after spying her friend, Hans, on another field I convinced her to play. But here is how she spent the next 5 minutes.
Clinging tightly to the coach's hand and crying. Definitely not playing the game...
Fast forward to Monday. I had a program at school, so I convinced Randy to stay in town one extra day so that he could take Alex to soccer practice. I don't know if it was Daddy taking her to practice, not having mommy there, or because Mrs. Tracey promised to take her to Chick Fil A, but she decided to participate the whole practice. Then on Saturday, she played all three quarters. The 4th quarter she came out because it was her turn to sit on the bench.
Now I would like to say that she was a complete soccer star, but we were really proud when she actually kicked the ball one time. She stayed on the field, but we did yell "ball, Alex Ball, lots of times. What can I say she is three, with a 3 year old attention span.Nevertheless, we were really proud of her and can't wait to see the progress she is going to make throughout the season.
I know it is the competitive athletic side of me, but I have to admit that these days there is not more that makes me happier than watching my children play sports. I love being a soccer mom!!!
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