Two weekends ago, Daddy went to play paintball in Missouri so we met up with my best friend Teresa & her little boy Jacob (whose Daddy was also out of town) to ride the McKinney Ave Trolley. Teresa had found this little delight a while back and it sounded like something just up these two boys alleys. We had a little adventure before getting on. First we stopped in Starbucks to borrow the bathroom and get water for the mommy's & cow's milk for the kids. Notice I did not say any COFFEE!

As we stood there getting everything and everyone loaded up, the trolley passed us right by ahead of schedule, or late. We still are not real sure. No worries with these 3 monkeys we just walked to the next stop and found a quiet corner for the kids to run and jump. Finally along came the trolley. It was great. Looks just like the old timey ones.

We had just planned to ride it once around the circle, but everyone was having so much fun I think we rode in a circle about 3 or 4 times. Here is Riley getting to ring the bell after we changed directions. Finally we decided it was time to eat. Riley voted for pizza, so we stopped at Grinaldi's Pizza. It was YUMMY! We all split a large pepperoni pizza. While waiting our waitress brought out dough for the kids to play with.

Alex wasn't too sure what to do with it.

Riley had a great time building and just feeling the sticky sensation.
Eventually we parted ways and headed home. It didn't take long before both kids were sound asleep in the back of the car. This allowed me to reflect on my memories of Texas Stadium as I passed it for the last time. The very next morning it was imploded. How strange to lose those memories of Cowboy games, George Strait concert with my mom where we just about melted, and of course those high school playoff games where my best friend danced on the star along with the Raiderettes. Another reminder that I am getting old and all things must come to an end.

This picture doesn't do it justice, but not bad considering I was driving along 183 while I took it!
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