Easter Sunday started off with a crazy morning. As always on Sunday mornings we were rushing around and trying not to be late to Sunday School. It was especially important not to be late this Sunday because it was my first morning teaching the 3 year Sunday School class. Of course, we had 21 precious darlings. It was total chaos, but no one got lost or ran away. :) (including the teachers!) After that crazy hour, Riley & I had to walk into church late on Easter Sunday and try to find the family. Luckily I knew they always sit in the balcony, so that limited the places to look. During the service, I was so proud of Riley. For the first time ever, he went down to the children's sermon, completely on his own. Then he wanted to go to Children's church. He has NEVER wanted to go. I was so proud of him and he took off like a champ. Never mind that I had to get up and crawl over everyone on the aisle AGAIN to sign him up since I did not do it before church!

After church, we headed over to my parent's house for one last Easter in this house. It is hard to believe that in a little over a month they will be in a new house! I have never known any other house for my parents. (Mental note- post pictures of the house for everyone to see!) We had the whole family there. My cousin Jamie, her husband Chad, and their little guy Caleb (who is just 6 weeks older than Alex), and my Aunt Jeanne all drove in from Austin. Then my Grandma Betty & Grandpa Bill, Papaw & Nemo, Uncle Jimmy & Linda, and Papaw Richard. (Grandma Karyn was at home in Florida :(. We had the whole crew there & it was wonderful. We cooked hamburgers & hot dogs (our usual Easter dinner), potato salad, and homemade ice cream. (Although unfortunately Alex had another allergic reaction to the ice cream. I don't know what is in it that does this!!! No more homemade ice cream for her!) Then it was Egg Hunting Time!

At first Papaw had to help Alex get the hang of finding the eggs....

Riley occasionally needed some help too. To make it more fair for the little ones, we told Riley that he could only pick up a few off the ground. All the rest for him, were up on something!

Alex quickly got the hang of things!

But my prissy little girl insisted on carrying her basket like a purse. Luckily her cousin Caleb was there to help her put the eggs back in her basket. It was SO SWEET!

Carryng it like a purse!

Papaw Richard is trying to point another egg out to Riley!

Caleb sure was studying that egg. Whatcha thinking Big Guy???

Papaw loves his girls!

I absolutely love seeing all three of them together. But we NEVER get them to sit still and ALL look at the camera!

As much as I love watching my own two little ones, there is something really special about watching Alex & Caleb. They are so sweet together. Jamie & I are six weeks apart in age. Although she was always a year older in school because her birthday was in August & mine was in October. Who would have ever guessed that we would have our children 6 weeks apart and they would fall in different school years? Caleb has a July Birthday and Alex has a September birthday.

Time to find out what all was in the baskets & eggs!

Alex loved her sucker!

Each child also got a watering can and a shovel. I never imagined that they would chose to use it while still in the Easter clothes. So much for my prissy girl. At least I know she knows how to get down & dirty!
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