Today at Mrs. Tracey's, they went to Small Fry Club at McDonald's. Riley & Alex are usually at my mom & dad's on Wednesdays, since we have our Dave Ramsey class on Tuesday night. This particular week my parents did not keep them. My dad got sick with the flu over the weekend. So he wanted to make sure that he was fully recovered and they had decontaminated the house before the kids came over. All this to say that Riley was at Mrs. Tracey's today. Small Fry Club is a group event for little kids done at the McDonald's on 1709 & Rufe Snow. Today was an extra special Small Fry Club. They had the Keller Fire Dept. there to teach fire safety and "Stop, Drop, & Roll." Riley had so much fun. He enjoyed telling me all about the hats, and the sound of the siren.
Small Fry Group
Checking out the fireman up close!
As a side note, you may be wondering where is Alex? Alex spent the day with her daddy at the office and hanging out at home. Since Saturday morning, I have been trying desperately to get her to eat, but she has just not been interested. Then the really stinky and loose diapers started. My gut told me she was sick, but we were all hoping she was just teething. On my way to work yesterday morning, I stopped at Walmart to get some "just in cases". I bought bananas, applesauce, and pediasure. Anything to get some nutrients. She still didn't want to eat. Then the bad diapers spread to one of the other little boys at Tracey's. Then we knew it was not teething. Our latest discovery and the fact that she was whiny & cranky led me to decide to keep her home today. Luckily with all the rain, Randy had time to keep her with him. The good news is she seems to be returning to normal. She actually starting eating & drinking again today. I think she just wanted to make daddy not believe mommy that she really was sick. Either way, I was glad to see her eating her Gerber Pasta & bananas for dinner.
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