Here is another late post. Two weeks ago, my parents and I took the kids to the Pumpkin Patch in Flower Mound right after Riley's soccer game. I had carefully planned out what the kids would wear so that they both would look cute in their Halloween clothes. The part I did not plan on was leaving the bag in my car and getting all the way to Flower Mound and Riley having NO shoes. After waiting in about 30 minutes of traffic just to get in the parking lot, I started looking for the bag with all the clothes in it. That was when I realized that we had forgotten the bag. So we left the pumpkin patch and headed to the local Target to buy Riley some shoes. The good news was we got him some Spiderman shoes that he was really excited about. The bad news was we had to sit in about 15 more minutes of traffic just to get in the parking lot.

It was super crowded that day! We ended up just taking a few pictures and not staying too long.

Riley & Alex did get their faces painted. Riley chose a bat, after I told him that little boys didn't choose witches. Then we got Alex a candy corn. Except that she immediately smeared the bottom of the candy corn off.

Sweet girl waiting in line for the face painting.

The worst part of the day was Riley wanted to go in the hay maze. Like I have already said, it was super crowded that day and Riley darted out ahead of me. I was not 100% sure that he had even made it in the maze. Then the maze was taller than I was, so I couldn't see any heads. I was worried that he had been taken or would get lost and scared in the maze. My dad did finally spot him in the maze but couldn't follow him the whole time. I think that was one of the longest 10 minutes for me. He did finally emerge full of smiles. He just followed the big girls. Of course he did!

Alex's height

Riley's height

2 in a wagon
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