Yesterday was Riley's last basketball game & team party. It was a mixed emotions day. I'm always kind of sad when the end of a season comes. It means the end of seeing certain friends and where we were comfortable. Yesterday was also the start of soccer season. The two seasons had to overlap because of the snow days. Sadly I wish the games had been in reverse order. His soccer game was at 9am in the 40 degrees temperatures. In fact during "warm up", I had freezing rain pelting me. It was funny to see how much more relaxed and happy Riley is on the soccer field. He is still not quite the soccer stud that he was a year ago, but definitely better at soccer (at least right now!). Sitting there huddled under our blanket, I had to laugh as I realized how much more Randy enjoys soccer too. He was yelling instructions & all into the games, just like I am during basketball.
After the game, we went back home to warm up & catch a nap. Then we headed out to the nice warm gym for Riley's last basketball game of the season. If only the games had been in reverse!!
Every YMCA game starts with saying the Y pledge.
Riley may not have scored a goal this year, but he has really improved on his defense. When he is paying attention, Riley is all over his offensive player. I have watched many a player running in circles to try to lose Riley. Here is a picture of Riley with those long arms straight in the air while the girls tries to take a shot.
In fact yesterday during the game, there was a point where the player Riley was guarding was dribbling wildly so Riley just took the ball away (the only problem is they won't let them steal the ball at this age). So the ref blew the whistle and gave the ball back to the offensive player. Again he dribbled wildly and again Riley took it away. I was so proud of Riley. So aggressive! I love it! Maybe next season, we will work on offense.
After the game, the team headed to Pizza Inn for a end of the year party and trophy presentation. Coach Kelly did a great job of getting basketball tablecloth & basketball themed goodie bags. The kids loved it!

One more team photo!
Such a cute basketball cake. Coach was disappointed because they lost her order for a cookie cake, but I thought this turned out great & tastes better too!
The all important trophy! I know it is just because it is basketball, but I like this better than all the soccer trophies so far!
All in all it was a great season. Stressful for me to adapt my expectations, but he grew so much as a player. Now back to the cold outside weather...
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