On the Tuesday afternoon before Christmas, we went to Holiday in the Park at Six Flags. My mom, dad, the kids and I were there as soon as it opened. We headed to the first big ride, which I can't remember the new name for, it used to be the Avalanche Bob Sled. Riley was excited, but a little nervous. He ended up loving the ride, as I knew he would, and this year Nana got to ride with us. Last year, my mom was set to have her triple bypass surgery within two weeks and was not able to ride any of the rides, so mom was excited to finally get to ride a rollar coaster. Unfortunately the line was really long, so Gampa and Alex headed to the teacups (rode it twice) and then to the carousel. Just as we finished up, the rest of the crew arrived.
Randy's mother, Sandy, his brother, Travis, and sister in law, Jamie, all met us at the gate. Grandma Sandy had brought some glow in the dark necklaces for the kids, which was perfect for hanging out at Six Flags in the dark.
I wanted to make sure that we caught the show that my student teacher was performing in, so we headed that direction. We had a little extra time, so we all got on the "cave" ride. Again I can't remember the new name, I can only think of the names from back when we had season passes back in high school.

Unfortunately, the line was too long for the cave ride and I just barely made it into the show on time. Randy, Alex, Sandy, Travis, and Jamie did not. It was a good show, and really fun to see Cynthia in such a different light. She was so bubbly during the show, quite different from the teacher voice that I heard.
After the show, we met up with the group again, ate a really nasty hot dog dinner, and then headed to the next ride. Riley really wanted to ride the snow hill. Of course, this was another really long line. But we were spending some quality time as a family. In fact this marked the first of several times over the Christmas break that we spent quality time as a family, even more than usual. It was really nice!
The line was long and Alex was being her ornery self, messing with Daddy's eyes, and Nana's mouth, but always having fun.
Finally it was time for each of us to sit our dry rear ends on wet cold sleds and take our turns down the snow hill. Even though it was 50 degrees outside, we all loved it, although we spent the rest of the evening, with cold wet pants.
It was a great evening. We didn't get to ride near enough rides, but we had fun on those we did ride.
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