It took me forever, but I finally got Randy to go with us to Disney World. Well it wasn't the full week trip like I had planned, but I will take even a day. After spending the 4th with Richard & Karyn, we drove down to Sandy & Tom's in Arcadia, FL. The next morning, we left Alex with the grandparents and drove 2 hours to the Magic Kingdom. We met Travis & Jamie there for our day of adventures.

Unfortunately to start off the morning, I got sunscreen in Riley's eyes. That is why he looks like he wants to cry in the early pictures, his poor eyes were burning! We started off seeing Pluto!

Then I insisted we take a family picture in front of the castle. Unfortunately, this is what the photographer took. So much for a group shot!

Randy planned our route of attack. We went to the right first, Tomorrowland! Immediately Travis wanted to ride, Stitch the Alien Experience. Last year Riley was afraid of just about anything dark, so I really didn't want this to be his first ride of the day. So Travis & Jamie rode Stitch and Randy, Riley, and I headed to Buzz Lightyear, a laser game ride. Riley loved it. I scored 622,000, but nobody believes me because no one else could see my score! This was actually the only ride that we rode twice. We came back and rode it with Uncle Travis & Aunt Jamie after we drove the cars.

Riley sporting the shirt that we stopped and bought him at Walmart on the way to Disney.

This is one of Riley's favorite characters!

This is still Riley's favorite rides. He loves that he gets to drive by himself (Mommy has to push the gas).

Randy rode in the lane next to us so that he could get the upclose pictures.

Our 2nd time to ride. This time Uncle Travis won with 175,000.

After we finished up Tomorrowland, we spent a good portion of the day in Fantasyland. I'm not sure when, if ever, we will outgrow much of that land. We rode just about every ride once. This year there were no fears. Last year Riley totally freaked on Mickey's Philharmonic 3-d movie. This year he LOVED it. He sat on Randy's lap and kept trying to reach out and touch all the objects. I was so proud of Riley. Not a single fit all day long! He just went with the flow, stood in line mostly good, and ate & drank when we did. He is getting to be such a big boy!
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