A couple of days ago, Mommy climbed up in the attic and got down some of bubba's toys for me to play with. At first I did what I usually do to check things out. I tasted it.
Then she explained to me that I was supposed to stand up and walk behind it.
So I took my first "assisted" steps on my own. I have now decided that this was really cool.
I have lots of fun when my brother lets me walk on my own.
Another one of the cool toys that mommy got down from the attic!
After my full day of walking, Mommy & Daddy decided they wanted to clean out their closet. I kept poking my head in to see what all the "mess" was about. Then I found a way to try on clothes for myself. I didn't know they were daddy's underwear!
Check out the slave labor! Riley made me push him! Aren't I the little one?
For Riley's birthday, he got a gift card to Toys R Us. Mommy & Daddy decided he didn't need any new toys, but he needed a big boy booster seat. Since he got a new seat, I got his old one. That also meant that I got to turn around and face forward! We both like our new ways to ride in the car.
Relaxing in my new seat!

I can cruise around any piece of furniture.
I can stand on my own for about 5 seconds before I fall.
I am beginning to eat finger foods on my own.
I STILL do NOT have ANY teeth!
I protest quite loudly when Riley steals my toys!
I still have my blue eyes (Mommy & Daddy are really hoping that they stay this way)
I can say Dada, sometimes Mama, and occasionally Ry-Ry.
I have started drinking from sippy cups.
1 comment:
It was so fun seeing Riley and Alex in person yesterday!! They are adorable!
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