Our afternoon at Disney World was filled with excitement. Riley rode his first rollar coaster. We got on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures. But he absolutely loved it. As luck would have it, we ended up in the very front car. Riley decided at the last minute that he wanted to ride with his Uncle Travis in the front car with Daddy & Aunt Jamie behind them, and Mommy in the back of the front car. He held on tightly, but LOVED it. He got off the ride expressing, "That was way Awesome, way cool, and way fast!" Looks like we will be riding many more rollar coasters in the future. Too bad Space Mountain was closed, he probably would have loved it.
After that excitement, we headed over to Adventureland to continue our fun. First up was the Pirates of the Carribean ride. As we were getting in line, we noticed Captain Hook. Every good pirate family needs a picture with Captain Hook. So Riley waited somewhat patiently until his turn and then smiled. Walking away after the picture, the photographer handed him a card that said he could get a free pirate's makeover.

So we headed over to the brand new Pirate's League to check it out. We really didn't know what we had in store. First off was getting his pirate name. They put two wooden dice inside this trunk and Riley spun the captain's wheel. He rolled a one and a five. Put that together with a June birthday and his name was "Benjamin Sharkstench". Next up was choosing the face paint for the kind of pirate he wanted to be. At first he chose the solid white face. Mommy & Daddy quickly nixed that idea because we knew from past experience that that only equals an itchy face, especially on a hot day. Next he chose the one with the scar. Following the tough decision, it was time to let the transformation happen. He sat down in the big seat, and his pirate transformation began with a story.

First he painted his eyes. Riley wasn't too sure about that.

Finally the transformation was complete, and Benjamin Sharkstench was smiling at me. Afterward they went to take a picture in a "secret room". It was all too cool! We found out that had we actually paid for this activity we could have chose different levels of costumes. We could have added the pirate bandana or hat, eye patch, and earring. Or if we were really rich, we could have added the whole costume.

Randy & I decided that Riley looked silly without the accessories, so Randy quickly ran to the Pirate's gift shop to purchase the accessories. We decided against the $65 pirate costume. So here is his final transformation. Arrggh!

After this fun, we took our little pirate on The Pirates Of the Carribean ride. Loved it! Then we finished up Adventureland, which also marked the end of riding all the rides. We decided to take the train from Frontierland all the way back to the front gate to do a little shopping. We got Riley a new t-shirt and bought ourselves a Disney picture frame. We also attempted to take one more family picture in front of the castle. Then it was time to watch the parade.

For the parade, we split up with Travis & Jamie and went to the spot that my family had watched it from last year. Same fantasmic parade. I just love everything Disney does!

After the parade, we met back up with Travis & Jamie to watch the fireworks. Shortly before it all started, Riley decided he needed to go potty and was hungry. Gee kid, it was only 9:30 and you hadn't had dinner? Anyway, so we found the restroom and then went and ordered mini corn dogs and a coke for all of us to share. Unfortunately our process took too long, and the fireworks had already begun. We tried deperately to get back to the group, but it just wasn't meant to be. So we sat down and enjoyed the grand fireworks show. Nobody does fireworks like Disney! Its amazing that they do these EVERY night! After the show, we found the group and shared the food and we herded out the gate to the ferry boat that would take us to our car. This was the longest line that we waited in all day. Poor Riley was exhausted. He had been going hard since 5:30 that morning, with only a short 10 minute nap during the Hall of the Presidents. We finally made it to our car about 11:00 and started our 2 hour drive back to Tom & Sandy's. By the time we made it home, we had been going for 20 hours straight!