Thursday, May 21, 2009

Busy week with a sad note

This has been a super busy week for me. I knew that it was going to be like this several weeks ago, when we started planning our May calendar. What I did not know is how sad it was going to be as well. Sunday evening as we were finishing up the celebration of Alex's baptism, my dad got a phone call from Hospice. We had already called in Hospice several weeks ago on my great-aunt Lou. The phone call basically was we don't think she has much longer. We quickly cleaned things up at the house and mom & dad rushed to the nursing home. I went home to prepare for my busy week ahead. Well she pulled through the night, so all the family came in town Monday night. I decided that I needed to go say my goodbye as well, even though she didn't really acknowledge that she knew we were there.

Tuesday was an especially long day. We had our school program that night. I had checked in with mom & dad throughout the day, her vitals were slowing, but she was still hanging on. I went to my school program and then quickly called mom & dad after the show. She had passed away at 6:15 that evening. Apparently about the time, they started talking about the casinos. That makes sense! My Aunt Lou loved the casinos, particularly the Bellagio in Vegas!

Tuesday was not all bad though. The good Lord giveth and the good Lord taketh away. My friend Christy, from college, had her second baby Tuesday morning. I am excited to share that Blake Antilley is here and doing great. Too bad his big sister has the chicken pox and cannot be around him or mommy! I know that must be super hard on them.
Wednesday we had a field trip at school. We walked to the Summerglen Library and then ate pizza at CiCi's. Wednesday night was Math/Science Night at school, another time Randy had to take care of the kids.
Today we are having a retirement reception for our principal after school. Then tomorrow after school, we meet with our new principal. But there will be no slowing down after work, I have visitation for Aunt Lou Friday night and the funeral is Saturday morning.
While I admit a lot of these activities were fun, I am exhausted and ready for this week to be over!


ChelseaSalomone said...

I'm so sad to hear that for you. That's never easy. I will definitely be thinking about you and your family.

I really don't mind that you found my blog- I was just giving you guys a hard time :)

ChristyA said...

I am just catching up on everyones blogs! I have a few minutes which have been few and far between! I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt. Thank you for including us in your blog! It was hard being away from Allyson, but the hardest part was when we got home and she still had to stay at grandma's. I hope that you get to meet Blake soon and I get to meet Alex too! I can't believe she is 8 months old and I haven't made it up there. Hopefully, this summer we can make it up to visit everyone! Love you!