Ever since my grandparents moved back to Fort Worth several months ago, my Papaw has been dying to take Riley to the Fort Worth Stock Show. 25 years ago when Papaw & Nemo lived in Fort Worth, this was something they were a big part of, so it seemed natural to want to show their great grandchildren their heritage. Friday seemed to be the perfect time to pass this on. It was perfect warm weather, although a little too windy. I got Riley all dolled up in his new wrangler jeans, new cowboy shirt, and new black boots. He looked so grown up and tall. He is tall, those are size 5 regular jeans and almost too short with boots on. Riley was so excited. Thursday night I had to go to Cavender's to get the jeans because 2 different Walmarts did not have his size. While in Cavender's he wanted everything. He wanted me to buy him a hat, belt, and a rope. "Because all good cowboys need a rope, mom!"

As well layed plans usually go, we had a kink in the system. Thursday night, Tracey, my babysitter called to tell me that her son has Swine Flu again!! Poor thing, once is bad enough! That meant I had to find someone else to keep the kids. Mom is certainly not ready to keep the kids. Luckily Tracey's best friend also keeps kids and helped me out. So Papaw & Nemo picked Riley up on Friday morning around 10 and headed to Will Rogers.

They had a blast. Riley saw all kinds of live animals.

This was the cow of a friend of theirs from Hooks, and he let Riley blow dry it!

He was able to see baby chicks hatching live!

He even posed with a real live Indian!

I think the 3 of them had the best time. I am so glad that they were able to show Riley the history of Fort Worth, and a part of their history as well.

He even got to ride a real pony!

Around 4 that afternoon, I received a phone call from Nemo. I figured it was them saying we are back and come get your kid. But I was wrong! They were still there. They had to stay a few extra hours until the midway opened. More fun for Riley and fun for me too. While he was riding rides, I went to dinner with my old third grade team. It was nice to only have to worry about one child during dinner instead of two. That was certainly a team of so much experience and knowledge. I can truly say that I am the teacher I am today, because of the ladies that I ate dinner with last night. They taught me almost everything I know about teaching today!

Checking out the water fountain!
Finally the made it home around 6:15 last night. They were all exhausted but bubbling with the excitement of the day. I only wish I could have been there to see it all, but then again it would not have been the same bonding experience for all of them if I had been there.
Rope 'Em Cowboy!
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