Before I begin with our day, I have to start with the night before. Wednesday night was AWFUL!! I guess I should start with the stupid decision I made Tuesday evening. We got back early from Hollywood Studios and thought if there was a single night for swimming, then Tuesday would be the night. The only problem was the water was soooo cold. I kept trying to bounce around and let Alex start having fun. But she cried the whole time. I rushed her back to the room and put her in a warm bath. Eventually she fell asleep but with wet hair and totally exhausted. So I should not have been surprised when the fever returned with a vengence on Wednesday night. It was at least 102.6 and woke her up every hour. When Thursday early morning rolled around, she had just finally slept for a straight 2 hour period. Needless to say, she was a bear when we woke her. She didn't want to have breakfast with the princesses and she didn't want to wear her Belle dress. Eventually I got her dressed, but you can see on the bus she is still not in a happy mood.
I think we all have that sleepy look on our faces. But I was determined that she was going to meet Belle!!!Our breakfast was scheduled in Norway at 8am. The park opened at 9, so we were the first in the park for the morning. Epcot was also celebrating their Garden Festival. I love this timing at Epcot. This year they had the Pixar characters greeting you from Toy Story 3.
Then the girls posed with Daisy.
The boys posed with Mickey, Minnie, & Pluto.
The favorite, Lightning McQueen. It was early morning and you can see how thick the fog was. It was kind of strange to stand by the edge of the water and not be able to see anything on the other side. Oh and check out our shirts. Thursday was also St. Patrick's Day. So we all had matching green shirts with Mickeys and our names. After a few pictures, we made it to Norway and the Royal Banquet Hall.
The first thing you do is pose with a designated princess for your posed 8x10 picture. We were so excited that the designated princess was Belle. As we stepped up the photographer asked if we wanted pictures with the kids and Belle or the whole family. I told him that I preferred it be just Alex, but if she wouldn't pose then I would take the kids and me. As expected Alex wouldn't go up by herself, so we all went up. The photographer took the picture. Then just as we were leaving, Belle worked her magic. She turned to Alex and asked for a hug.Alex looked at her and hugged her. Then all the frustration slipped away and the magic took over. We got the perfect picture with the perfect princess!!! I literally almost cried.
After the picture miracle, we headed to our buffet to start getting our breakfast. But as soon as we put some food on a plate, we realized the princesses were starting to come around to the tables. So we rushed back to our table. But the Aurora was not Belle and Alex wasn't ready to pose on her own.
Alex did pose with Ariel. I wish I could say that Riley would have posed too, but he had a serious crush on Ariel and was hiding shyly at the table. Snow White does not have red hair so Riley was willing to pose with her, and Alex was beginning to get the hang of things. :)
Finally we met with Cinderella, then rushed off to go ride some rides before the park got crowded. We got our fast passes for Soarin and then headed to meet up with more characters.
The magic of the morning was beginning to wear off and the sleepiness started to set back in. So much for happy pictures with Mickey & Minnie.
Not even close to happy!
But don't we all look great in our green shirts!!
I wish I could say that they day got better from here on. But it was a really warm day. There were several rides that Alex could not go on. She did take a nap while Dad, Riley, & I rode Soarin but she was still a worn out & sick little girl.

Patience wore thin as the day wore on. Finally after lunch we decided to let Riley, Mom, & I ride Test Track with our fast passes and then head back to the hotel. As we were walking back we saw the line to take pictures with Belle. Alex insisted on standing in line. She was all for Belle, but not quite as sure about the huge Beast.
Beauty and the Beast in Flowers.
Cinderella and Prince Charming
Check out that pose with Tigger!
Our last ride at Epcot was Spaceship Earth. I would have really enjoyed this ride, if Riley had not pushed the buttons that made the entire ride for us in Japanese! But Alex did enjoy the car driving game after we got off the ride.
Overall this definitely not one of our best days, but we all really enjoyed our breakfast with the princesses. It was after all one of my most anticipted moments of the trip and I was not disappointed.
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