Last Sunday, my baby girl officially turned two. We celebrated by dragging her to Canton all day! Not very exciting for her, but she did get a new Aggie diaper cover! :) Then on Thursday I took her for her two year check-up. She now weighs 24 lbs (Still holding strong to that 5-10%) and is 35 1/3 inches tall(75-90%). She is growing steadily so our dr is not too worried about how skinny she is. We talked about her eczema and how it is still there, although much worse in the winter. Then we talked about how she is progressing with her speech, and we both concluded that she is just too stubborn to want to talk right now. Although she is real good at saying "press play please" when we are in the car! We finished up her dr appt with two shots. She got her flu shot & a booster shot. Ouch!
She is a total toddler when it comes to eating. Sometimes she will eat a little of everything and other times she eats nothing! We just keep trying and I am continuing to supplement her morning milk with instant breakfast (which she LOVES!) to add extra calories.
She still thinks she is as big as Riley and can do anything he does. Secretely I think she is really enjoying getting to go to Mrs. Tracey's all on her own and not share her time with Riley. This year she is not the youngest, so we are working on being gentle with baby Lauren (7 months old). No Alex baby Lauren does not want you to sit in her lap!
Right now she is fasinated with everything Disney princess. She can pick out the princess stuff in any store. Riley is even teaching to play dress up with all of her new princess dresses. Daddy is so proud ;)

After the first dr appt, Alex fell asleep in the car for about an hour. Poor thing woke up with really stiff legs. The dr had told me to make sure she was moving around after her shots so that she didn't get sore, but not much you can do about it when she falls asleep. Then we headed to the second appt of the day. We went to her first appt with the allergist. Basically we just stumped the dr. I mentioned how she reacted to peanut butter, but was able to eat peanuts. She said this should not work that way. Anyway we decided to go ahead and do some allergy testing. We tested for peanuts, cinnamon, wheat, milk, & eggs. The wheat, milk, & eggs are 3 things that frequently cause problems for children with eczema. We should know the results in about 1-2 weeks. Unfortuately for Alex, this testing involved taking 3 vials of blood. A rough day for little Alex, but she was a trooper through the whole thing.