Monday, May 17, 2010

Sky Ranch Camp

Sky Ranch camp was awesome this year! I wish I could say it went off without a hitch, but nothing ever does. Since I have been to camp several years in a row, this year I was most facinated with the wildlife (and I don't mean the ones we brought with us from Bluebonnet!). Plus they don't mind if you post their pictures on the internet. So here is some of the fun things I saw. In our Limnology class, we saw this turtle. Last year I got to hold him, but this year he has new partner that he does not like! Needless to say, his area was really stinky and I had no desire to hold him! Then on our way back to the cabin the first afternoon, I saw this little fellow.
During our game of Clue, I found these wild creatures. Actually they are better known as my fellow teachers and principal. Can you guess which one committed the murder? I heard it was the Chef in the kitchen!
At dinner the first night, we had 2 kids get sick from dehydration and then our principal twisted her ankle. Mrs. Rutter performed our medical duties. Although I don't think we needed the masks. We were looking for a first aid kit, but all we found was the contaminable blood pathogens kit.

At breakfast the next morning, I had to take a picture of this strawberry. I seriously think they were put on steroids!

While the kids were playing during Skrazy time, we were watching the mama bird feed her babies. I don't think she cared too much for us sitting there. She kept flying back to check on her babies before finding another worm.

Our 2nd day is all about walking! Actually it is the Native Americans class & Texas History, but we have to hike a ways into the woods to get to the classes.

At the end of the Native Americans Class, they have a naming ceremony and a friendship face painting. The kids are so quiet. It always amazes me. This year the teachers got their faces painted too! Here were the 4 of us that attended this class together.

On our way back to headquarters, the teachers got distracted and decided to try out part of the challenges course.

We returned home on Wednesday tired, but with lots of great memories. It may be a TON of work, but it is so worth it to see the smiles on the kids' faces.

End of Soccer Season

Oh my, we(mostly I) have been so busy lately. So I am way behind on posting updates. For starters, Riley's soccer season ended two weekends ago. We had a make-up game on Friday night and then the final game on Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately the last two games were against some really weak teams. Poor Riley was actually bored on the soccer field. I know that he was bored because he was running in circles and singing on the soccer field!!! But he still managed to keep his game scoring average around 6 goals a game. We are so proud of him! This game also marked the end of his days in the 3-4 year old league. Saturday was truly a bittersweet day. Life has been busy and I was glad for the end of soccer season, but oh how I missed having the game this Saturday. Then I know that he will move up into a new league with some talent. It will be interesting to watch how Riley develops & handles having some real competition. After the game we rushed out to help my parents move. My parents moved from their house of 35 years! This was the only house I had ever grown up in. I am super excited for them getting a new house and I LOVE having them only 10 minutes away, but it was kind of sad to leave behind all those memories. We spent all day Saturday moving boxes! (The movers moved the furniture on Monday)

Alex decided that she could help carry the chairs too!
Sunday was Mother's Day, but I didn't hardly have time to think about that. I had to pack and make sure everything was ready for camp. On Monday I left for 3 days to go to Sky Ranch Camp with 120 kids & 30 chaperones. This was my first year to be in charge & I was so nervous about everything. Sunday was spent running errands and playing catch up. We did manage to squeeze in a visit to some friends of ours who had just had a newborn baby boy! He was so sweet & big! 9 pounds! We joked that my kids were 3 months old before they were that big. It was nice to hold a sweet newborn, but my mommy instinct did not kick in. I am officially done. My two keep me busy enough! After our visit, my parents met us at Sake. It is a great Japanese Hibachi place in South Arlington that we all love. Again I did not take any pictures. But I can tell you that my kids LOVE Japanese & Chinese food. They make me laugh with how much food they will eat! It was the perfect ending to a busy mother's day. Randy did manage to buy me a card, but he forgot to sign it. I guess I can't say too much, I never bought my mom a card. It was just too much going on!