Monday, August 24, 2009

Absolutely the Worst First Day of School in my Life!

I have been absolutely horrible about posting lately. As you know school started today, so my world has been consumed with school, decorating a classroom, and as much last minute summer fun as I could squeeze in.
First let me tell you my HORRIBLE story and then I will end with some fun things about the kids. For starters, I have/ had 22 pretty good students this year. No one seems to be a big problem. I am also getting to team for the first time this year. That means that I will teach only Math, Science, and Social Studies to 2 different classes. My partner is new to our school, but a fellow Aggie. That makes me really excited. I think she is going to be wonderful to work with this year. We know have 3 Aggies on our team! Too bad they are both 5 years younger than me.
Anyway so I took the kids out for recess today. It was REALLY hot. We were out there for about 25 minutes. On the way in I started feeling really funny. I could tell that my blood sugar was dropping, but I knew that I had to get the kids and myself inside the building. The minute I entered the doors, I sat down on the floor, and sent 2 kids to find Mrs. Chase, my partner teacher. Then it hit me and I knew I was going to be sick. I tried to move the kids out of the way, who were all hovering over me, as I jetted for the door. But kids will be kids and they don't listen the first time. I know they meant well and were genuinely concerned, but as I tried to get out the door I hit my eye on the glass door, and then vomited all over a unsuspecting student. I felt horrible, but there was not much I could do as I was still getting sick. Needless to say, it was the WORST first day of school ever!!!

Now onto more pleasant things. Alex is really starting to imitate. She has decided that she likes to get her drink and sit like Daddy on the couch to watch tv. She is a bundle of constant motion and is walking all over the house. Finally she has a tooth popping through. We are so excited, but it means even more is going into her mouth! She is starting to eat more and more of the food from our table. She has also learned to be quite vocal about what she wants. Only sometimes Riley gives in and sometimes he doesn't. For example, today in the car she decided that she did not want her milk, she wanted Riley's drink. So she started screaming for it. Riley graciously shared his drink with her, but then he told her she needed to share back and let him have a drink. She wanted no part of this! So he took it from her, and she let out a ear piercing scream in response. Aren't girls fun?
Last weekend we had her one year pictures taken. I can't wait to see the end result, even though it took us two days to get the pictures. We originally went to see Sheri Nagle on Saturday morning. We did the pictures with Riley and then she turned cranky. So we had to return on Sunday afternoon. She was all smiles but wouldn't stay still. She kept walking to the photographer and wouldn't stay on the backdrop. Then we did the cake pictures. At first, she was afraid of the cake. We finally got her to enjoy it, although she did not make quite the mess that her brother did when he turned one. But best of all, no allergic reaction to the cake! Yea, the birthday party should be fun now.
Finally I will close with a Riley story. The other morning it was storming pretty good with lots of lightning. As we were driving to Mrs. Tracey's house, Riley commented that storms always move to the south. I asked, how do you know? He responded because they always hit our house first and then move to Tracey's. I told him that he was right in hitting our house first,but that is because we are more West than she is, not more North. I am so proud of him. He is so aware of nature. I can't wait until he starts preschool next week and starts learning so many things!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Look out world, I'm walking!

Today, Aug. 11 Alexandra took her first real steps. She has been taking about 2 steps and falling down for about a week now, but never real sure on her feet. Tonight she walked from the chair to her daddy. Then she proceeded to keep doing it. She is getting much more steady on her feet. Here she is proud of how far she came and touching a solid surface.
Not the most graceful...

But definitely walking!

As a side note, Riley was 1 year and 6 weeks when he took his first steps. But he also got his first tooth at 10.5 months. So far, Alex still does not have any teeth. Although, I think I see signs of some white showing through on her lower gums. My goal was to have a tooth and walk by her birthday party. She just may achieve both! :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Caleb's 1st Birthday

Saturday morning we got up and drove from San Antonio back to Austin to celebrate my cousin Jamie's son's first birthday. Jamie and I are about 6 weeks apart in our birthdays and so are Caleb and Alex. It makes it really fun to see the two kiddos together. The best part about first birthday parties is seeing how the kids react to the smash cake. Caleb did not like the icing on his fingers. He really liked the taste of the cake, but wanted his hands clean.Shaking the icing off!

Alex made mommy proud by choosing to pick up the baseball instead of all the colored balls.

While opening the presents, Caleb decided to just climb up on the table to be the center of attention some more!
His cool new baseball rocker!

Caleb's mommy & daddy got him a wagon. So we put both kids in the wagon together and let Riley pull them.

That worked for a little while, but then Riley wanted to be pulled to.
Caleb checking out his new ride on toy.
Overall it was a great party with lots of people. My cousin did an amazing job and set a standard for first birthday parties that I do not think I can live up to for Alex. It stinks being the second born...

Sea World

Last week my parents and I took the kids to Sea World. My parents had taken Riley back in May so they already had a season pass. This time Alex and I got to tag along. We drove to San Antonio on Thursday and then caught the night shows at Sea World. There was much debate before we got there on whether or not to go. San Antonio actually had its first day of rain in more than a month. We decided to tough it out and see how many shows we could catch to stay out of the rain. We did get a little wet, but not too bad. Riley's favorite show in May was Shamu. Big surprise, it was still his favorite show. We saw it at the night shows and then the next day.Neither one of the kids was too sure about this pirate. He played a bad guy in the pirate show.
Riley got to feed the dolphins!


These animals are so beautiful!
Shamu mascot!
Nana, Gampa, Riley, and Alex
Mommy with her babies! Next to Shamu, the water park was the favorite. Alex definitely liked the water better than the animals. She had so much fun splashing in the wading area.

Riley loved the wave pool. Thank goodness the waves only lasted for 4 minutes at a time. He wore my dad and I out lifting him every time the wave came.

Having fun getting a horsey ride from Nana's leg!

Mommy's turn to lift!

The trip was a lot of fun! Friday night we went out to dinner on the Riverwalk with one of my old friend's from high school. It was good catching up and showing Riley a whole other culture.